There is perhaps no other cigar brand in the world that is as famous or as coveted as Cohiba. Throughout its illustrious and meteoric rise to fame, the Cohiba brand has acquired legions of loyal cigar aficionados who proudly demonstrate their love for the brand with a plethora of Cohiba-branded cigar accessories. One of the best options for Cohiba fans to show off their exquisite taste is the Cohiba Adjustable Cigar Case Leather.
The striking genuine Spanish leather cigar case immediately catches the eye with its two-tone yellow and black colors, which those in the know will instantly recognize as an homage to the brand’s famous cigar band. The upper black portion of the case is decorated with a textured grid, fashioned after the Cohiba cigar band’s familiar square pattern. Cohiba’s iconic Taino silhouette in silver finishes it off with a touch of elegance.
The two-piece design makes for a beautifully contemporary case that can fully adjust to almost any length so that you won’t be tied down by a limited range of cigars. Once the case is opened, the lower yellow portion comes into full view. This part of the case features molded fingers the size of three Corona cigars. Whether Cohiba cigars are any of your other favorite smokes, this adjustable case can do it all.
The Cohiba Adjustable Cigar Case Leather is a must if you are looking to take the next step into the world of Cohiba cigars and elevate the level of your enjoyment of the storied cigars. The case also includes a gift box and an elegant bag to protect the case while you are on the go. So, join the exclusive fellowship of true Cohiba aficionados and procure this exquisite Cohiba cigar case.